Structure of Blocks


      [AUXILIARY <auxiliary(naux)>]
      [AUXMULTNAME <auxmultname>]
      [TS6 FILEIN <ts6_filename>]
      [OBS6 FILEIN <obs6_filename>]
      MAXBOUND <maxbound>


    BEGIN PERIOD <iper>
      <cellid(ncelldim)> <stage> <cond> <rbot> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]
      <cellid(ncelldim)> <stage> <cond> <rbot> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]

Explanation of Variables


  • auxiliary defines an array of one or more auxiliary variable names. There is no limit on the number of auxiliary variables that can be provided on this line; however, lists of information provided in subsequent blocks must have a column of data for each auxiliary variable name defined here. The number of auxiliary variables detected on this line determines the value for naux. Comments cannot be provided anywhere on this line as they will be interpreted as auxiliary variable names. Auxiliary variables may not be used by the package, but they will be available for use by other parts of the program. The program will terminate with an error if auxiliary variables are specified on more than one line in the options block.

  • auxmultname name of auxiliary variable to be used as multiplier of riverbed conductance.

  • BOUNDNAMES keyword to indicate that boundary names may be provided with the list of river cells.

  • PRINT_INPUT keyword to indicate that the list of river information will be written to the listing file immediately after it is read.

  • PRINT_FLOWS keyword to indicate that the list of river flow rates will be printed to the listing file for every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is no Output Control option and “PRINT_FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for the last time step of each stress period.

  • SAVE_FLOWS keyword to indicate that river flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUDGET FILEOUT” in Output Control.

  • TS6 keyword to specify that record corresponds to a time-series file.

  • FILEIN keyword to specify that an input filename is expected next.

  • ts6_filename defines a time-series file defining time series that can be used to assign time-varying values. See the “Time-Variable Input” section for instructions on using the time-series capability.

  • OBS6 keyword to specify that record corresponds to an observations file.

  • obs6_filename name of input file to define observations for the River package. See the “Observation utility” section for instructions for preparing observation input files. Tables ref{table:gwf-obstypetable} and ref{table:gwt-obstypetable} lists observation type(s) supported by the River package.

  • MOVER keyword to indicate that this instance of the River Package can be used with the Water Mover (MVR) Package. When the MOVER option is specified, additional memory is allocated within the package to store the available, provided, and received water.


  • maxbound integer value specifying the maximum number of rivers cells that will be specified for use during any stress period.


  • iper integer value specifying the starting stress period number for which the data specified in the PERIOD block apply. IPER must be less than or equal to NPER in the TDIS Package and greater than zero. The IPER value assigned to a stress period block must be greater than the IPER value assigned for the previous PERIOD block. The information specified in the PERIOD block will continue to apply for all subsequent stress periods, unless the program encounters another PERIOD block.

  • cellid is the cell identifier, and depends on the type of grid that is used for the simulation. For a structured grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLID is the layer, row, and column. For a grid that uses the DISV input file, CELLID is the layer and CELL2D number. If the model uses the unstructured discretization (DISU) input file, CELLID is the node number for the cell.

  • stage is the head in the river. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.

  • cond is the riverbed hydraulic conductance. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.

  • rbot is the elevation of the bottom of the riverbed. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.

  • aux represents the values of the auxiliary variables for each river. The values of auxiliary variables must be present for each river. The values must be specified in the order of the auxiliary variables specified in the OPTIONS block. If the package supports time series and the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.

  • boundname name of the river cell. BOUNDNAME is an ASCII character variable that can contain as many as 40 characters. If BOUNDNAME contains spaces in it, then the entire name must be enclosed within single quotes.

Example Input File

      TS6 FILEIN river_stages.ts
    begin dimensions
      MAXBOUND 20
    end dimensions
    # layer   row    col    stage           cond    rbot  BoundName
          1     3     1   river_stage_1     1001.   35.9
          1     4     2   river_stage_1     1002.   35.8
          1     5     3   river_stage_1     1003.   35.7
          1     5     4   river_stage_1     1004.   35.6
          1     6     5   river_stage_1     1005.   35.5
          1     6     6   river_stage_1     1006.   35.4  riv1_c6
          1     6     7   river_stage_1     1007.   35.3  riv1_c7
          1     5     8   river_stage_1     1008.   35.2
          1     5     9   river_stage_1     1009.   35.1
          1     5    10   river_stage_1     1010.   35.0
          1    10     1   river_stage_2     1001.   36.9  riv2_upper
          1     9     2   river_stage_2     1002.   36.8  riv2_upper
          1     8     3   river_stage_2     1003.   36.7  riv2_upper
          1     7     4   river_stage_2     1004.   36.6
          1     7     5   river_stage_2     1005.   36.5
          1     6     6   river_stage_2     1006.   36.4  riv2_c6
          1     6     7   river_stage_2     1007.   36.3  riv2_c7
          1     7     8   river_stage_2     1008.   36.2
          1     7     9   river_stage_2     1009.   36.1
          1     7    10   river_stage_2     1010.   36.0

Available Observation Types

Stress Package Observation Type ID1 ID2 Description
RIV riv cellid or boundname -- Flow between the groundwater system and a river boundary.
RIV to-mvr cellid or boundname -- River boundary discharge that is available for the MVR package.

Example Observation Input File

      DIGITS 7
    BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.riv.csv
    # obsname        type  ID
      rv1-5-4        RIV   1    5    4
      rv1-6-5        RIV   1    6    5
      rv1-c7         RIV   riv1_c7     # flow at boundary "riv1_c7"
      rv2-7-4        RIV   1    7    4
      rv2-8-5        RIV   1    7    5
      rv2-9-6        RIV   1    6    6
    BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.riv.flows.csv
    # obsname         type  ID
      rv1-3-1         RIV   1    3    1
      rv1-4-2         RIV   1    4    2
      rv1-5-3         RIV   1    5    3
      rv1-c6          RIV   riv1_c6
      rv2-upper       RIV   riv2_upper