Function mf6bmi::get_input_var_names

Function Documentation

integer(kind=c_int) function mf6bmi::get_input_var_names (c_names)

Returns all input variables in the simulation.

This functions returns the full address for all variables in the memory manager, that have their access specified as “readwrite” and can therefore be used as input variables. The array c_names should be pre-allocated of proper size:

size = BMI_LENVARADDRESS * get_input_item_count()

The strings will be written contiguously with stride equal to BMI_LENVARADDRESS and nul-terminated where the trailing spaces start:

c_names = ‘variable_address_1 … variable_address_2 … ‘ etc.


BMI status code

  • [inout] c_names: array with memory paths for input variables